• The increase of computer power and the development of new algorithms is currently pushing the scientific investigation to new frontiers. This is particularly promising in the field of diplomacy where the complexification of international relations calls for new approaches to understand how humanity can collectively address contemporary global challenges.
  • The University of Geneva in collaboration with ETH Zurich are launching a new Geneva based Laboratory for science diplomacy that will enrich an ecosystem needed to support broad transformations in our understanding of the ways we manage our interactions. An important goal will be to build a new education curriculum at the interface between science and diplomacy.

Wernli, D., Chopard, B., & Levrat, N. (2021). When Computational Power Meets Diplomacy: Training a New Generation of Scientists in Diplomacy and Diplomats in Science. VSH-Bulletin, 47(2), 42-45. https://vsh-aeu.ch/download/317/VSH_Bulletin_August_2021_WEB.pdf